Monday, September 3, 2007


Yesterday, after I had leaped into the pool without testing the water first (I am very much a leaper-inner -- I don't care if it's cold, I know I'll get used to it. I wish I were more like that in life...), after he sat on the edge trying to acclimate to the cold water, after I tried to relax and let the water hold me, after I failed, after I cried over a hurt that my heart has sustained that has nothing to do with my Daddy at all, a hurt that is weighing me down in every sense of the word (and stealing my words so that blogging is difficult)...

...he got into the chilly water, wrapped me in his arms, laid his cheek against mine, and walked with me back and forth around the pool. My legs were tight around his waist, my arms tight around his neck, and he stroked my hair while I cried. It was so comforting, more comforting than any words he could have whispered to me. I felt enveloped by his love, protected, cradled. He makes everything feel better, always.

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